Do Your Part
Green Clean Junk Removal Services is devoted to making every city we serve a cleaner, neater, and tidier place to live. We work every day, sometimes 12 hours a day, cleaning up junk, picking up trash, and throwing out garbage. Green Clean Junk Removal Services also works every day to keep reusable items out of the landfill. And, while we can always do better, we do a pretty good job of it.
But Green Clean Junk Removal Services can’t do it all. We need your help. Here are five simple tips for keeping your community clean.
1. Recycle
If you aren’t recycling, start recycling. Most major cities make recycling easier by providing blue recycle bins to both homeowners and apartment renters. And, depending on your waste management service, you don’t have to sort papers, cans, and bottles into separate bins. Make sure you wash out your recyclables however and don’t mix trash in with your recyclables.
2. Don’t Litter
We’ve been hearing this since the mid-1950s, but people still continue to litter. Stop it! Litter drives down the quality of life in your community, helps spread vermin and disease, and causes thousands of accidents a year. There is absolutely no good reason to litter.
3. Reduce Consumption
The average person in the United States generates roughly 1,600 pounds of trash per year. Yes, you read that right. 1,600 pounds per year. And a lot of that trash is in the form of disposable plastic bags and plastic water bottles. You can reduce the amount of garbage you generate by reducing your consumption. Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it. Buy reusable grocery bags. Prepare and cook your own meals and avoid prepared, pre-packaged foods. These are small but proactive measures you can take to reduce the amount of garbage you generate through the year.
4. Don’t Dump Your Junk
This goes under the same class as littering but on a larger class. Dumping junk, whether its old appliance or furniture, is a major problem in every city in the United States. Too often people say to themselves, “Eh, I’ll just take this T.V. to the curb. Somebody will want it.” More often than not that television languishes on the side of the curb until your city’s waste management department.
So instead of dumping your furniture or appliances call a hauling service like Green Clean Junk Removal Services to haul away bulky items that won’t you don’t want.
5. Dispose of Household Hazardous Materials Properly
Never throw household hazardous waste (like paints, cleaners, automotive fluids, etc) in the trash and never dump them in a sink. Take your household hazardous waste to a licensed drop off center or call a licensed hauling service to dispose of hazardous waste.
Most of these tips are things you probably already know but we hope you take them to heart. Everyone wants to live in a cleaner, greener community and these tips can help.